
Merdeka Dengan Darah: Nuansa Keganasan Anti-Kolonial Yang Tercicir

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Pada 13 Mac 1947, Ahmad Boestamam ditahan di dalam bas semasa dalam perjalanan pulang daripada menghadiri undangan Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API) di Pahang. Rumahnya kemudian digeledah, dan Boestamam pula dihumban ke lokap di Jalan Campbell, Kuala Lumpur.

Imran Rasid menulis tentang bagaimana slogan Merdeka dengan Darah menjadi ungkapan representatif bagi tempelan sifat keganasan yang wujud pada API dan segala macam organisasi anti-kolonial radikal yang cuba melawan hegemoni pentadbiran British.


Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy’s name is not alien in our political and intellectual discourse. He was an intellectual from Perak who has spent his whole life in the fight of achieving independence.

Anas Hayyan & Mu’adz Rasyid discussed thoroughly on Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy’s life and political ideas that have shaped the political nature of this nation. Safe to say that, without him, the fight for independence might take a really different course.

Mitos Graduan Tidak Bersyukur

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Bagi para graduan dan anak muda,soal gaji minima sering kali dibincangkan dan diketengahkan supaya gaji minima mereka dinaikkan selaras dengan status Malaysia sebagai negara maju.

Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh para graduan dan anak muda terutama sekali isu pekerjaan,gaji minima dan kos sara hidup sering menjadi mimpi ngeri bagi anak muda yang baru ingin memulakan kehidupan.

Pandemic, The Surge of E-Commerce, and The Role of Science and Technology

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After 2 years of living with the unprecedented pandemic, most of the countries are still struggling to fight this ‘monster’ contagion.

While some sectors are glooming, some are blooming.

In this article, Fadzil Alhabshi stresses out two important segments which shift the world when Covid-19 hits us all: economy and technology and science.

Ibrahim Yaakub and Left-Wing Nationalism

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Faced with mounting economic and social pressures resulting from the demands of the twentieth-century influx of Chinese, Indians, and Europeans into Malaya, a small group of educated Malays took a different political path than the vast majority in their search for a solution, forming the nucleus of a left-wing political party. One prominent character in Malaysia’s leftist history is Ibrahim Haji Yaakob.